This is a specialty color.
The southwestern sun bears unmercifully across the landscape, but you will be cool in the wide-brimmed hat we have named for the old city of Tucson. This hat was popular from 1860 through the end of the century. Curled and bound brim, front and back dipped.
This is the working man’s hat of the 19th century and was as common then as ball caps are today. Please specify with or without ribbon on the brim.
The Derby was introduced into America in 1860. After the Civil War it grew in popularity to the extent that by the 1870's virtually every man in America owned one or wished he did.
In the mid 1870's the height of the hat crowns began to rise. This taller-style derby was popular into the 1930's.
Our prices vary based on the crown height and brim width.